Hello and welcome to Running Around the Planet! We are Ross & Abby and are excited to share our travel adventures with you. We are leaving our beloved Colorado, house, family, friends, and jobs behind to set out on an adventure of a lifetime; a little about us.....
Abby: I am no traveling expert but I am a wife, an avid reader, a friend, a foodie, a cyclist, a runner, an aunt, a crazy dancer, and an outdoor enthusiast. I love the smell of fresh ground coffee, I obnoxiously crack most parts of my body, I was born and raised in CO, red wine and I are good friends, and I really want a bulldog. I can't wait to run around this planet and hope that our travels bring more adventure, compassion, understanding, and good cooking to my world!

Ross: this unordinary gentleman is a computer whiz, a photographer, my bestie, an Engadget junkie, a mountain biking devotee, a chocolate chip cookie aficionado, a runner, and a Top Gear fanatic. He can spend 5 hours washing his car, he can build or fix most things, he loves to do arm balances, and he can be seen riding his fixed gear around town.
Thanks for stopping by to share a little piece of our adventure.